Thursday, August 22, 2024

April 11th, 2024 Tehran, Iran to Ardabil, Iran

2AM I reached Tehran, but it took 45 minutes for my checked bag to arrive, which cost me almost an hour of sleep. I found my driver, Erfan, 20 minutes later.

4AM We arrived at the hotel, where I slept until 8AM. After a quick breakfast, we left the hotel around 8:30AM.

9AM We visited the Golestan Palace. The Grand Bazaar was closed.

Golestan Palace

10AM Our next stop was the National Museum, which was smaller than the one in Baghdad. The second floor, which was prehistoric, was also closed.

National Museum

11:30AM We paused at the Azadi Tower before embarking on a six-hour drive to Ardabil. I slept most of the way.

Azadi Tower

7:45PM The drive was non-stop, and to our surprise, it snowed along the way. Despite this, Ardabil was warmer upon arrival. I had a mixed meat dish called Kaseh Kebab for dinner before heading back to the hotel to work on my presubmission meeting minutes, which kept me busy until 1AM.

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