6AM I am up by 6:30 and left his home. Soon I arrived at Orenstun, instead of Orenstad, a place that supposedly has modern architecture. Instead, it was just apartment buildings near the river. I went to Orenstad as well. It, like Rotterdam before, is most disappointing. Fortunately, I only wasted half an hour. I proceeded onto Kongens Nytorv and Christensen for pictures.
10:33AM My train left for Lund Central before five other stops before Bergen. I was going to skip lunch but this was so much cheaper than Denmark I could not resist for a 85 SEKs coke meatball and potatoes.
3PM I arrived at the small town of Hallsberg. Having known how expensive Norway will be, I chose to eat dinner here. It is pretty American, salmon with potatoes and blended spinach. I had a ice cream for 22 SEKs. At 130 SEKs or 18 dollars, it will seem like a deal once I am in Norway. I left for Oslo at 6 because the train is late. Well, it's deja vu. I am unlocking these feelings now and I no longer know how to deal with them.
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