6 The train really was 5 hours long, it was only six hours because it required a one hour ferry ride from Germany to Denmark. It was quite a walk to Stephen's place. I met him. He was kind enough to give me 100 DKKs for 10 USDs now and 10 later, which I received from a Chinese family from new york at the train station at 11pm.
8PM I arrived at Christiania, which is a strange part of Copenhagen. It looks essentially like a druggie dump. I did purchase a frikadella which is.just meatballs there. It was not great with just the rye bread but for 35 DKKs, it is the cheapest one could get it. I then went to downtown and further for about 2 to 3 miles to see the little mermaid. As mentioned before, I was only able to obtain a change for the fifty dollar bill from a Chinese pedestrian. I did go to the FOREX central station, which was closed. I headed back to Christiania, which is the the same at night as it is during the day. I then headed to Kongens Nytorv for nightlife. Hopping from bar to bar, I did not find much too interesting. I even snuck into a club that cost 60 DKKs. They didnt want me to have my camera bag with me so I left after 10 minutes or so. I finally left around 2:30AM. I got back to stephen's at 4ish.

Some of my deepest and oldest feeling will be resurrected today.
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