6AM I left Minhaajs home and took the metro to the main station, where I meant to store my bag for the day. My visa did not work so I gave a helpful stranger 5 USDs and 12 SEKs for 50 seks for the 24 hr bag storage. It took me an hour to tour the old city slowly, which was excellent but with no particular surprises. I then walked from it to the train station in 20 minutes.
The best pictures are those that you cannot take, those whose impression kills. Whatever you see here, it is only a shade of what she is.
8:14AM I left for Norrkoping.
9:52AM I am at Norrkoping. It is just about how I imaged. A beautiful small town with the population of 130 thousand. I walked to downtown in a few minutes. The main street is about 1km long with shopping and restaurants just opening. The library was at the end of the street. I met sister Christy Dabb from an Utah Mormon church there. She tried to convince me to Christianity. I walked back and saw a 21 year old reporter. I told him what I was doing there and what happened to me at Vietnam. He shot 5 minute footage of me and I hope it will be on the evening news. He mentioned a place called Himmelstalundz, which is a pool where young people are. I walked there in half an hour but only found some kids. Some nice Bosnians living in Stockholm gave me a lift to the railway station.
1:46pm I am on my way back to Stockholm.
3:30PM I am at Tranan but they dont open until 5 so I moved to another suggested by the owner. It turned out Swedish pork is just a lot of bacon. They didnt start serving until 4. I ended up missing the boat to Helsinki at 4:45 by a few minutes. I ran hard for 15 minutes but was stopped by the security that let cars in. Viking was going to ask me to catch the same boat 2 hours out in Sweden. But I ended up getting the boat at 8 for 27 eurs and 25 eur refund. I ate my pork on the harbor. When I purchased a coke, some local high school girls asked me to buy them cigarrettes. I eventually bought it for them after my attempt to ask them to quit failed. I ended up getting some local currency souvenirs at the cost of having these girls getting cigarettes from someone else.
My Dinner: Swedish Pork
7:40PM I am almost boarding the Turku boat.
9PM The dinner buffet actually looked. But it was 30 EURs since I just ate, I opted to skip it. The people in Sweden, or all Scandinavia, are camera shy. I did not get many good photos. Therefore, I asked to sit down next to a girl, or I should call businesswoman. We chatted long over a couple of beers. I was pretty impressed with her work as an entrpreneur.
1:30AM I went to sleep.
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