5AM I arrived at Sarajevo and found that I was miles away from where Zoe lived. No one spoke much English here. I got tired of waiting for the bus and got on a taxi for 5 Euros and paid 20 EURs and got 29.3 BAMs back.
6:30AM I got to Zoe’s home. She is really nice to let me stay here and let me have the keys for the day.
I loved her Gaga look.
9:30AM I took my third shower in Europe. Ew. I found that the bus for Dbrovnik a in morning and Split at 11:30 PM. I left for the old town in Sarajevo. Honestly, it was great. But after seeing so many old towns, I would say it is not extraordinary. The trams did not charge and I got there in about 20 minutes. It took about an hour to walk through.
Old men play giant chess pieces.

3PM I got to Mostar and carried my luggage again. My shoe has been torn apart and I could hardly walk. Luckily, someone helped me to find some superglue for 0.5 BAMs. The city was nice but just a little disappointing after listening to that girl at the bus raving about it for 5 minutes. It was cool though. There is a famous old bridge and it is a UNESCO world heritage site. I would say it is more impressive than Hoi An. Everything is very well maintained here.
Scenery on the Train
8PM I took a photo of this man upon request and he bought me a beer. We sat on the streets for a while before I left to look for accommodations. After getting almost to the bus station, I found a woman that asked her about a guesthouse that was recommended by a group of European kids earlier. She said it is really far away and I spotted the lie. I followed her back to her place. Serendipity placed me back into the hands of the woman that first approached me with a 8 EUR offer off the bus. They were mother and daughter! Bargaining again, I could not get her to come down to 5 EURs or 6.5 EURs. But after leaving and knocking on the door again, they agreed to 6 EURs and 0.6 BAMS, which is just 6.6 EURs. I think they misunderstood 6.5 EURs earlier. The contact info for the hostel is Dada tel 036551664, 062426291 Ivana Krndelja 11c, 88000 Mostar. I took it and then had a shower. As I was writing my blog, two Americans came back to my dormitory. They were both ex-army veterans from Afghanistan. They offered me some Rasca (some type of homemade alcohol) and I reluctantly went out.
The “Muslim” girls were very stuck-up here at the bars and we went to another place called Sky Bar on the top of a building managed by someone who has been to the Seattle. He offered to buy us a round but Andy refused. Well, I bought the second round for 20 EURs. Luckily, I got 20 BAMs back so it was only 10 EURs for me for around 8 beers. I do not know whose 20 BAMs it is. It cannot be from the Bosnians. They are all very phony here. One guy who got a drink from us charged us 3 BAMs for entree free anyway. I had about 4 beers that night and we called it quits at around 1AM.
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