2AM I got through transfer and then went to the comfort lounge to take a shower. I didn't sleep because I didn't feel like it.

6:05AM I boarded for Kiev. The plane was super old. I guess that is why it is so cheap.

7AM Kiev wasn't far. I arrived and got through immigration without issue. The only thing was the the agent didn't seem to know that US citizens didn't need visa. There was no problem though. I was getting an Uber and waited around until I saw a Chinese guy who looked like he was coming for work. I asked to share a ride and his business partner was okay with it.
9AM We arrived at the train station, where they stored their bags. Since we didn't go to Pechersk Lavra, they paid. They had some downtime before so we decide to go to Pechersk Lavra together. The caves were pretty interesting.

12PM We had lunch at a traditional Ukrainian restaurant. I ordered the most expensive item out of the three of us. The Ukrainian paid by his company.
1PM I walked around a bit until St. Sophia Cathedral. It is from 1200 AD and was expanded and now was made smaller.
3PM I walked back to the Independence Square and then searched for internet to order an Uber. I finally found a juice place and ordered one for 324 UAH. I left for the airport at 5PM and arrived 30 minutes later. There always seems to traffic at Kiev.
8PM My flight left for Yerevan, Armenia.
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