5AM I got to the entry to the Hideaway Resort. They didn't open the ferry until 8AM. I drove to Wet N' Wild, which was not open either. I drove back and took the first ferry across. I wanted to save my contacts for possible dives in the next few days so I opted for the glass bottom boat at 10:30AM. I then drive back and got 3 slingshots and 1 zorb ride for 50 USD.

10AM I finished with the rides and then went back to Hideaway. The glass bottom was definitely a better choice. I saved the 1,250 VUV island entry fee. The corals were mostly dead and I saw fishes better. There were no turtles.

11:30AM I spent the next hour looking for coconut crab. The Thai restaurant had the best one but it was 2.3 kilograms which made it 5,500 VUV. I settled for the 1.2 kilogram one from the Chinese restaurant. Chef was awful and the taste was too mild. I wish the Thai restaurant had a smaller one. I would have taken that one.

2PM I got back to the airport without having to refuel. I almost got stuck. Australia required ETA even for Americans. I had to pay it on the spot.
3:45PM Our flight was slightly delayed. We arrived a little after 6PM. I called the 800 number for East Coast Rental, which is Sixt in Australia. The car they assigned me was a manual car and I had take a midsized Toyota for 10 AUD more. I drove to George's Paragon Seafood Restaurant. The waiter suggested the Seafood Paragon which is just a mix of shrimp, small lobster, oysters for 59 AUD plus my ginger rale. I didn't think it was good enough to warrant a review which thought it was great enough for "palliative care" patient as her "last supper". Anyway, they didn't validate parking so I went to Friday's and they gave me one so it was half off at 7 AUD. I drove to Fortitude Valley and had a couple of drinks there. An Australian guy bought me a drink. I spoke to a Dutch girl working there. I went back to the car at 2:30AM and slept.

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