9:30AM I woke late today. I told the girl downstairs to take me up for a picture after I asked her how to say I love you in 納西. She said she would buy me tea later. I then left.
10AM I first took some pictures at 黑龍潭. I heard that it costs 40 CNYs but could be
had for 10 CNYs if someone local takes me through another route. I did exactly that: stepping on some rocks to
cross a stream.
11AM I started walking toward the north
entrance and it took me half an hour to walk to #11 bus station. I was told by someone to take the van
instead. I only spent 3 CNYs to get to
the front door of 束河. I took a small horse around (25 CNYs). I was offered to go to 茶馬古道 for an
additional 75 but I refused because I didn't think we had time. Still, I found late that I could've gone to it for 80 with food and additional sights.

2PM I shared a van back for 5 CNYs. I started walking toward 萬古樓 and spend
just 5 to take pictures on top of a restaurant.
3PM I toured 木府. I got back to her hotel but she left. I asked the front to call her. She told me to walk around and wait until dark. I took another look at 黑龍潭 until 7.

7PM I met her at 大水車. The noodle and 汽鍋雞 were horrible. They were bland. I didn't buy her flowers and songs. She made me feel like it was unnecessary
9PM We got to Bamboo Bar at 8PM. I
bought her a cocktail at Bamboo. She is
quite pleasant and kind, slightly traditional.
She is traditional but clever and righteous. She says she sees many tourist and obviously, everything is
9:30 I kissed her on the cheek and said
farewell. I walked to the southern gate,
which was far and a mistake. There was
no sharing so I paid 30 CNYs myself. I
barely made it at 10:40PM.
10:55PM The train left and I had a fever
all night. This was the cause for my cough and consequently, hernia.
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