12AM We returned from the party.
6AM I woke from the sun like Laurent told me.
8AM Beatrice went to La Poste to send her mail as I took some more pictures. Out of the three Guianas, I still feel Suriname had the best photo opportunities.

10:30AM Laurent returned and they sent me to the bus to St. George.
2PM We arrived at St. George. I couldn't find the police station to stamp out so I just took the boat over to Oiapoque.
3PM I couldn't get 1000 BRLs out of the ATM, which I later recognized was the fault of the 350 USDs daily withdrawal limit. So the French couple and I shared a taxi to the bus station. Both the 5 and 6 o'clock bus were already full. Even though there seemed to be one passenger missing, they insisted that it was full and didn't let me on. The French couple suggested I go back to the river for a 4x4 truck. I somewhat tricked the taxi driver to let me find other passengers at the river so he took me back for free. He wanted 600 BRLs for the car and I agreed. But once we got back to the river, he found another driver. I said the taxi money (10 BRLs) was for him. He agreed and let me go.
5PM The new driver scared me by disappearing for 30 minutes with my luggage. Meanwhile I found another French girl on the same boat. I got on his car and he scared me again that I thought he was going to kidnap me. I opened the door and I got out. He returned in 30 minutes. It was all alright at the end. He came back and we made up.
6:30PM We left for Macapa. The first hour or so the road was perfectly fine. Then it got much worse but I reckon that Guyana's road was even more painful because we were in a van rather than a truck this time around. There was a Brazilian man and another woman and her child. Naomi sat in the front middle seat and I sat next to the fat woman and her kid, who laid on his side and kicked me the whole time. I stood him the entire time and didn't eat anything because I only had 2 BRLs.
11PM We stopped several times. The driver offered me coffee but I refused. He joked, "You don't smoke, you don't drink, what do you do?" It got so cold and he took his shirt off whereas I hid my head in my t-shirt to keep warm.
6AM I woke from the sun like Laurent told me.
8AM Beatrice went to La Poste to send her mail as I took some more pictures. Out of the three Guianas, I still feel Suriname had the best photo opportunities.

10:30AM Laurent returned and they sent me to the bus to St. George.
2PM We arrived at St. George. I couldn't find the police station to stamp out so I just took the boat over to Oiapoque.
5PM The new driver scared me by disappearing for 30 minutes with my luggage. Meanwhile I found another French girl on the same boat. I got on his car and he scared me again that I thought he was going to kidnap me. I opened the door and I got out. He returned in 30 minutes. It was all alright at the end. He came back and we made up.
6:30PM We left for Macapa. The first hour or so the road was perfectly fine. Then it got much worse but I reckon that Guyana's road was even more painful because we were in a van rather than a truck this time around. There was a Brazilian man and another woman and her child. Naomi sat in the front middle seat and I sat next to the fat woman and her kid, who laid on his side and kicked me the whole time. I stood him the entire time and didn't eat anything because I only had 2 BRLs.
11PM We stopped several times. The driver offered me coffee but I refused. He joked, "You don't smoke, you don't drink, what do you do?" It got so cold and he took his shirt off whereas I hid my head in my t-shirt to keep warm.
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