4:30AM I was woken up by the guide to leave for Angel Falls. You must be be prepared for both hot and cold or just suck it up like me and choose one. I wore a t shirt and swim trunks. There is no way around the mosquitoes this way though. It was probably around 60s but got a little better with the sun when it came up. 7AM We arrived at a peninsula where we had to walk for 30 minutes due to rapids. We then hopped on the boat again and stopped to have breakfast at 8.

9AM The boat ride was extremely uncomfortable throughout. It was very hard to sit still on a bench and have nothing onto which I could rest my back. We arrived and had to hike for 5 km up. It was hard without water and I almost got lost in the middle because the trees obscured the paths.

10AM We finally arrives at the viewpoint and it was somewhat disappointing considering bit was going to be 10 hours of work for just 10 minutes of view.
11AM I walked back to the stream where we started but the guy wouldn't move the boat and I was very, very thirsty. Some others arrived in 20 minutes to give me water but told me the camp across was the wrong camp. I walked over to the Japanese camp and had lunch there.
6PM We are finally back and I was so exhausted. My legs had more than 20 mosquito bites on each and they were completely inflamed. My teeth hurt in the cold and I could barely move.
7:40PM I woke and had dinner. I then slept for 12 hours.
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