10:30AM I arrived and took a bus for 4 BRLs to the central terminal. There, I took another bus to the fall, which took half an hour.
12PM I arrived and stood in line for 30 minutes. Iguassu is the biggest, by far, though I must say it isn't a continuous fall and it certainly isn't tall. But the rainbow that shows with sunshine works every time for a great photo.
3:30PM I left and it took another 30 minutes back to the central station. I took a separate bus to the bridge. Actually it is 2 bridges and immigration is on the opposite sides of both bridges.
6PM I arrived and waited for a bus for 45 minutes or so. Meanwhile, I changed 10 USDs for 60,000 PYGs. The man wanted 4,400 rather than 4, 500 per USD. So I didn't point it out to him also because I thought it was me who was wrong.
6:30PM There is an hour time shift and my bus left for Asuncion at 6:30.
11:30PM Naida gave me a ride to Doug's place at the university.